
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Challenge #3 - Winner's

Hello, Tracey here with the winners from Challenge #3 - Use Monochromatic Pink.Once again the response to the challenge was overwhelming with 136 entries, the numbers just keep on growing. We hope that you are enjoying our challenges and will be back to play again this week for Challenge #4 which goes live in one hour at 5:00 AM (PST).

Congratulations to all of our participants for this week's challenge here at The Card Concept. We have each chosen a winner who we liked the best but not necessarily in our design style, and who followed the rules and challenge.

If you are viewing this in Google Reader, please visit our blog, to see the winning projects, by clicking on the pictures.


  1. Thank you Lee Ann, what a wonderful start to my day! Congrats to all of the winners1

  2. Thank you Geri, what an amazing surprise. Congratulations to all the other winners

  3. Well done to everyone and Congrats on being well deserving selections


  4. Stand out cards Ladies! Congratulations!
    So much inspiration for design and composition.

  5. Cathy, your selection of my city-scape has started my day off with a sparkle and a smile! Thank you so very much! Congrats to all the winners and to everyone who participated: a gallery filled with amazing talent and incredible inspiration!

  6. Congrats to all of the winners - Bravo!

  7. Thank you so much for the thrill of being chosen as a winner from among all the amazing creations in the gallery! I am in some stellar company of other winners you selected!! You made my day and then some!! Hugs, Darnell

  8. Thank you Ardith for picking me, I am very happy. Sometimes I don't know if a card I make is good enough because everyone has their own style, but through this challenge I have learned a lot about my card making style. I appreciate your encouraging comments, and also the wonderful girls' comments that were before and after my participating cards, some of them are my bloggy friends now.


  9. Gorgeous cards ladies! Congratulations everyone.

  10. Congrat, ladies for making all of these beautiful cards! Thanks for picking my card, Laurie. I was inspired by you when I made this on, because in my opinion you are the Queen of White-on-White! :)

  11. Gorgeous cards! Thank you for picking my card Kay! Congrats to all the winners!

  12. Wow - so honoured to have been picked again!!1 Thank you Narelle! Congrats to the other winners too!
