Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Card Concept #129 {Warm Winter Wishes}

Welcome to The Card Concept!  

For those of you who are new to our challenge, every two weeks we will post our inspiration photo challenge and hope that you will join us by creating a card for our challenge gallery.  

Just a reminder, an inspiration photo is exactly that- a starting point for inspiration. Will it be the colors, the overall theme, the texture, the actual items and/or something else that will inspire your card?  

Choose a design style (or combine styles), create a card, and in your blog post, in addition to letting us know what inspired you from the photo, please let us know what style and/or styles you chose.  

At the end of the challenge, our Design Team will choose one Main Winner and at least three Honorable Mentions.  We will announce the winners here on our challenge blog, as well as our Facebook page and our new Pinterest board.  

Again, as we mentioned above, please feel free to use any of the styles we have defined or create your own with a combination of styles.  We want you to have fun with our inspiration!

You will notice that our designers will also be selecting a style (or combination of styles) and will explain how they were inspired by the challenge.  

So come and join us!  We'd love for you to try your hand at a brand new style of card making or feel free to work in your comfort zone.  It is totally up to you!

In case you missed the link above, the styles are explained HERE.

Now for the design team's inspiration: 

Esther Asbury
Esther's Inspiration:  I was inspired by the snowmen 
and snowflakes to create this Shabby and Vintage winter 
card in blues and browns.

Tangii Crain
Tangii is taking a break for this challenge- 
she will be back for our next one!

Julie Gearinger
Julie's Inspiration: I was inspired by the cute snowmen along 
with the greenery and wood to create a
Clean and Layered/ Mixed Media card!

Michele K. Henderson
Michele's Inspiration: I was inspired by the bright 
white snow against the dark rustic wood colors, and 
added them to my Mixed Media card.

Nancy Penir
Nancy's Inspiration: The neutral colors along 
with the wood sign inspired my Elegant and Classy 
layered card.

LeAnne Pugliese

LeAnne's InspirationThe warm wood tones and 
the rustic snowmen inspired my Clean and Layered/
Shabby and V
intage card.

Angel Rivera
Angel is taking a break for this challenge and 
she should be back with us for the next one!

Mackie Robertson
Mackie's Inspiration:  The warm wood tones and 
the rustic snowmen inspired my 
Shabby and Vintage card.

Marcie Sharp

Marcie's Inspiration: I was inspired by the woodgrain, 
circle shapes of the snowman, and general colour 
scheme for my Classy and Elegant/
Clean and Layered card. 

Anita Trippi
Anita's Inspiration: I was inspired by the "Home Sweet Home" 
sentiment on the snowman, along with the pine cones 
and the greenery to create a  Clean and Layered/ 
Classy and Elegant card.

Betty Wright
Betty's Inspiration: I was inspired by the warm tones, 
patterns, and textures for my Clean and Layered/ 
Classy and Elegant styled card.

The Card Concept Rules:
1.  Use the challenge inspiration photo to create a card- no back linking.
2.  Use one of the challenge styles to create a card (or if you prefer, combine a few styles).
3.  Explain in a post which style or combination of styles you used and what inspired you from our photo.  
4.  Link your post using our linky (please link to the actual post on your blog and not just your blog) and please display our graphic (inspiration photo) in your blog post.  
5. We do not mind if you combine our challenge with others, but please do not combine ours with another inspiration challenge.   
6.  Please try to comment on the cards ahead of you and behind you in the linky.  Everyone loves comments!

The deadline to participate is 
Monday, March 2nd at 12:00 pm EST.

Our Challenge Winner and the Honorable Mentions will be announced on Wednesday, March 4th.

We look forward to seeing your artwork in our gallery! 

This linky list is now closed.

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