Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The Card Concept #182 {Harvest Bounty} or {Christmas Joy}- There's Still Time!

 Just a reminder that you still have a few days left to play along with us for the        

  #182a {Harvest Bounty} or #182b {Christmas Joy}                                       Challenge!

Our gallery link will be open until  

Monday, October 31st at noon (EST)

Click HERE to play along!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Card Concept #182a {Harvest Bounty} or #182b {Christmas Joy}

             Welcome to The Card Concept !

For those of you who are new to our challenge, every two weeks we will post our inspiration photo challenge and hope that you will join us by creating a card for our challenge gallery.  

This challenge is our double challenge - the second challenge of every month, we are posting two challenge photos!  You can choose whichever photo you prefer, or you could create two separate cards, one for each photo!    

We hope this new option will be one that you enjoy as much as we do- our Designers will let you know which one they decided as well.

We know many of you like to work ahead on your Christmas cards so this challenge will allow you to choose a fall/Thanksgiving theme or Christmas :-)

Just a reminder, an inspiration photo is exactly that- a starting point for inspiration. Will it be the colors, the overall theme, the texture, the actual items and/or something else that will inspire your card? 

Choose a design style (or combine styles), create a card, and in your blog post, let us know what inspired you from the photo, what style and/or styles you chose and don't forget to display our inspiration photo and link back to our challenge :-)

At the end of the challenge, our Design Team will choose one Main Winner and at least three Honorable Mentions.  We will announce the winners here on our challenge blog, as well as our Facebook page and our new Pinterest board.  

Again, as we mentioned above, please feel free to use any of the styles we have defined or create your own with a combination of styles.  We want you to have fun with our inspiration!

So come and join us!  We'd love for you to try your hand at a brand new style of card making or feel free to work in your comfort zone.  It is totally up to you!

In case you missed the link above, the styles are explained HERE.

Now for our Design Team's inspiration: 

Esther's Inspiration:  My Mixed Media card was inspired 
by the Christmas Joy inspiration board.

Kerry's Inspiration: My Clean and Layered mini 
slimline card was inspired by the crate of apples
in the Harvest Bounty picture.

Julie's Inspiration: I am so far behind on my Christmas cards 
so I was inspired by the red and white of the Christmas Joy 
photo to create an Elegant and Classy/Mixed Media card!

Michele's Inspiration: I fell in love with the colors, the apples, 
and the imagery of abundance of the Harvest Bounty challenge, 
and used them in my Clean and Graphic card.

Karen's Inspiration: I was inspired by photo 182b Christmas Joy
I was inspired by the colors and the pine boughs in the photo 
for my Freestyle Collage card

Karen's Inspiration: I was inspired by the Harvest
Bounty image and colors when creating my fun
Shabby and Vintage "Chic"/Layered Thanksgiving card.

Jenny's Inspiration: I was inspired by the 'JOY' sign
 and colours of the Christmas Joy photo to create
 a Clean and Layered card

Jenny's Inspiration: I was so inspired by both of our photos 
and the crate of apples in the Harvest Bounty 
 photo to create my second Clean and Layered card!

Nancy's Inspiration: The word JOY from our 
Christmas Joy photo inspired my 
Mixed Media Christmas card. 

Mackie's Inspiration: I was inspired by the Harvest Bounty 
colors to create my Clean and Simple card.

Kim's Inspiration:  My Clean and Layered card was 
inspired by the horizontal look of the shelves, the various 
words on the shelves, mantle and pillow, and was loosely 
inspired by the colors of our Christmas Joy photo.

Betty's Inspiration: I was inspired by the Christmas Joy theme, 
colors, and patterns.  I created a Clean and Layered Styled card.

The deadline to participate will be  
Monday, October 31st  at 12:00 pm EDT.

We look forward to seeing your artwork in our gallery!

Also, please remember if you would like to be included in our entries for possible Winner or Honorable Mention, make sure you include our inspiration photo in your blog/IG post, and, if possible, explain how you were inspired by our challenge.  
Thanks again for playing along with us!

This linky list is now closed.

Winners #181 {Colors of Fall}

  Happy Wednesday! Julie, here with the Winners and Honorable Mentions for 

                       our #181 {Colors of Fall} Challenge!

Thank you for playing along with our challenge! All of our entries were gorgeous and our DT always has a tough time narrowing down our winners and honorable mentions!

Our Design Team has voted and our Main Winner is... 


     And our three Honorable Mentions ...

 listed in order that they appeared in our gallery...


                                 Stephanie L.

Also, for this challenge we were offering a 
free stamp set to a random winner.  

Our random winner is #18- Birgit Norton! 
Congratulations Birgit!  
Please contact us at 
with your mailing address by October 31, 2022. 

Congratulations to all of our winners!!
We hope that you will take the time to visit each of the Winner/HM 
blogs to see how they created their cards, and, if you have time, leave a comment and show them some "love" :-) 

Just a reminder, this year we will be highlighting our winners and honorable mentions on our Facebook page as well as on our Pinterest board.  

Stop back at 8 am EST to check out our new challenge! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The Card Concept #181 {Colors of Fall}- There's Still Time!

 Just a reminder that you still have a few days left to play along with us for the        

                   #181 {Colors of Fall} Challenge!

Our gallery link will be open until  

Monday, October 17th at noon (EST)

Plus, don't forget we have a surprise for this challenge.  
We will be drawing one random winner for this cute stamp set from our entrants for this challenge (thank you to our  DT member, Karen L. for her 
generous donation of this cute stamp set :-) 
 Due to high shipping costs overseas, we will only be able to ship to the 
United States. 
Thanks again for playing along with us and good luck!

Click HERE to play along!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Card Concept #181 {Colors of Fall}

          Welcome to The Card Concept !

For those of you who are new to our challenge, every two weeks we will post our inspiration photo challenge and hope that you will join us by creating a card for our challenge gallery.  

Just a reminder, an inspiration photo is exactly that- a starting point for inspiration. Will it be the colors, the overall theme, the texture, the actual items and/or something else that will inspire your card? 

Choose a design style (or combine styles), create a card, and in your blog/IG post, let us know what inspired you from the photo, what style and/or styles you chose and don't forget to display our inspiration photo and link back to our challenge :-)

At the end of the challenge, our Design Team will choose one Main Winner and at least three Honorable Mentions.  We will announce the winners here on our challenge blog, as well as our Facebook page and our new Pinterest board.  

Again, as we mentioned above, please feel free to use any of the styles we have defined or create your own with a combination of styles.  We want you to have fun with our inspiration!

So come and join us!  We'd love for you to try your hand at a brand new style of card making or feel free to work in your comfort zone.  It is totally up to you!

In case you missed the link above, the styles are explained HERE.

Now for our Design Team's inspiration: 

Esther's Inspiration: The theme inspired my 
Autumn Mixed Media card.

Kerry's Inspiration: The gorgeous colours of the 
foliage inspired my Mixed Media card.

Julie's Inspiration: I was inspired by the colors, 
the leaves and nature to create a 
mainly one layer Mixed Media card!

Michele's Inspiration: I was inspired by the gorgeous 
Autumn colors and the little boat in my 
Mixed Media card.

Karen's Inspiration: I was inspired by the 
beautiful fall colors for my 
Clean and Simple card.

Karen's Inspiration: I was inspired by the warmth
of all the beautiful Fall colors when I created my
Shabby Chic Vintage card.

Jenny's Inspiration:
 I was inspired by the colors and the 
beautiful photo to make a Clean and Simple card.

Nancy's Inspiration: The scenic changes of falls beauty
 inspired my Elegant and Layered card.

Mackie's Inspiration: I was inspired by the fall leaves 
in the Inspiration Photo to create my 
Clean and Layered style card.

Kim's Inspiration: My Clean and Layered card was inspired
 by the mass of colors and the vivid fall leaves. I used the
 selected colors and I give a big thank you to the
 idea of throwing some purple in!

Betty's Inspiration: I was inspired by the colors and theme.  
I created a Clean and Layered styled card.

Plus, we have a surprise for this challenge.  
We will be drawing one random winner for this cute stamp set from our entrants for this challenge (thank you to our  DT member, Karen L. for her 
generous donation of this cute stamp set :-) 
 Due to high shipping costs overseas, we will only be able to ship to the 
United States. 
Thanks again for playing along with us and good luck!

The deadline to participate will be  
Monday, October 17th at 12:00 pm EST.

We look forward to seeing your artwork in our gallery!

Also, please remember if you would like to be included in our entries for possible Winner or Honorable Mention, make sure you include our inspiration photo in your blog/IG post, and, if possible, explain how you were inspired by our challenge.  
Thanks again for playing along with us!

This linky list is now closed.